DNA Strand

The GRT Hub can perform DNA or RNA extractions from tissue, cell pellets, blood or cell suspensions.

We offer several extraction protocols for RNA or DNA that utilize spin columns or magnetic bead-based workflows.  The KingFisher Flex is available for automated extraction protocols.

To submit samples for nucleic acid extraction, please follow these instructions:

  • Please submit flash frozen tissue or cell pellets. If you prefer to have extraction performed on fresh tissue or cultured cells, please schedule an appointment with Melanie Oakes.
  • We will discuss with you the available options for extracting DNA/RNA from your samples.

The commercial kits that we use are as follows:

  • Qiagen DNeasy, RNeasy, Qiamp Fast DNA stool and RNeasy FFPE kits
  • Zymo Research Direct Zol RNA mini, Quick DNA/RNA Mag Bead and Quick DNA soil Mag Bead kits
  • NEB Monarch Genomic DNA purification and Monarch HMW DNA extraction kits
  • Norgen Exosomal RNA isolation kit
  • ThermoFisher Mag/Max Viral Pathogen kit

The KingFisher Flex is available for walk-up use after training is completed.  To access the instrument, scheduling and a reservation is required.  Please contact Melanie Oakes.