NovaSeq XPlus

Illumina NovaSeq X Plus Short-Read Sequencer

The Illumina NovaSeq X Plus installed in the middle of June, comes with state-of-the-art short read sequencing. Two flow cells (2*8 lanes) produce up to 25 B reads each (2x150bp) in 48 hr while maintaining quality of 85% >Q30 and reducing price by 30 %. According to Illlumina specifications, technical improvements include reduced input requirements, higher density flow cells, XLAP-SBS chemistry, new optics, enzymes, and modifications in cycle blocking and unblocking. Dragen software can be used to facilitate analysis.  FASTQ files will continue to be made available to users. This reduces runs for short read 30X coverage with 128 genomes per dual flow cell and deeper sequencing for single cell transcriptomics.