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Past Workshops

Spatial Transcriptomic Data Analysis with an Emphsis on 10x Genomics Visium Workshop

This workshop will introduce data analysis workflow with both sequencing- and imaging-based spatial transcriptomics platforms, using 10x Genomics Visium and Xenium as examples. The topics will include an overview of preprocessing and data visualization with both 10x Genomics proprietary software and the state-of-the-art open-source software. New topics such as Visium HD and Xenium 5k data analysis will be discussed including cellular niche and spatial differential analysis methods. A guided tour will be provided on how to run the latest visualization and data exploration tools to support spatial transcriptomics via command line and Jupyter Hub on HPC3. Attendees are encouraged to bring their own project data for analysis and discussion.

Introduction to Spatial Transcriptomic Data Analysis-Jenny Wu, PhD

Computing on the HPC3 for Spatial Omics-Ivan Chang, PhD

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